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Love Fervently II

Written by Eric
            In my first Love Fervently blog post I shared with you the gift I made for my beautiful wife. It was not merely to show her my love, but to show her my love in an outstretched manner. What do I mean by outstretched? Well, I used all of me to come up with that gift. I didn't just buy an extravagant present, or buy her some flowers and dinner, or take her to a concert. Nor, did I simply buy something she wanted or needed. Not to say neither of those ideas are not good, it's just not good enough! I need to stretch out myself  to the uttermost in order to display Christ like love for my wife.
            Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. See, Christ Jesus out stretched himself to the uttermost for the church by teaching the word of God even under persecution, torture, and his crucifixion.
This kind of love is what my wife deserves and I'm privileged to honor God by loving my wife fervently everyday not just on special occasions and not with anything less than all of me! But how? God instructs us how in Ephesians 5:26, which I think is one of the most powerful verses in this regard.
            Ephesians 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. All we need to do is speak it!
This verse gives a husband the POWER simply by words to set his wife apart from all other women and mend her spirit from all hardships. Of course the words have to be Christ like; said with compassion, truth, belief, and in Faith. As God would want it, He wants me to sanctify my wife or set her apart from all other women in the world by telling her how much I love, adore, and cherish her as my wife, as the mother of my children, my friend, supporter, comforter, advisor, and so forth. I can also mend her troubles with the washing of words by supporting her, comforting her, giving her assurance, security, protection, encouragement, and praying over her. Husbands, Love your wife like Christ loves the church and exercise your God ordained power everyday even if it is your worst day. Praise the Lord for your ability to sanctify and cleanse your wife by the washing of words! What an extraordinary and easy way to cherish your wife.
            Ephesians 5:27  That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
When the husband exercises the power God gives, he outstretches himself to the uttermost and as a result, will have helped her bury her flaws and imperfections and raise her spirit so she can fulfill her role being a glorious wife. Husbands, you will have ample opportunity to wash your wife with words. Here is my suggestion, don't miss one! Glorify the Lord for your invaluable ruby and let her shine through your Christ like love.
Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave                                     himself for it.
                 5:26 That he (you) might sanctify and cleanse it (wife) with the washing of water by                               the word.
                 5:27 That he (you) might present it to himself a glorious church (wife), not having                                 spot, or  wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it (wife) should be holy and without                             blemish.


  1. Such a sweet, sweet post, that surely describes your precious wife! Seeing the photos on her latest post surely speaks a thousand words, and it makes me happy knowing you love and cherish her for the amazing woman she is. God bless both of you, Eric!

    1. Thank you. God bless you and your family.

  2. That is such an awesome experience! We were blessed to sit in on a Bible study in that very living room 1 1 /2 years ago with Phil & Matt and to witness a Baptism. Phil offered to Baptize us, but we had already been baptized : ) Congrats on your marriage & Baptism into the Kingdom!~


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