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Our Ministry ~ Free Bibles!

Yes, you read that correctly.  FREE Bibles.  Our family is on a mission to bring joy to others.  Our ministry involves giving Bibles to anyone who needs/wants one.  Now, since we are just starting out, I have to say that at this time, we aren't equipped to give out large quantities to groups or classrooms.  Hopefully in the future, but not yet.

But, if you or someone you know could use a new Bible, their first Bible, an extra Bible, etc, then you've come to the right place.  We don't just give away your basic pew Bible, although that certainly is an option.  We are trying to match Bibles to personalities.  We have everything from KJV to NIV; kid's Bibles, women's Bibles, large print, New Testament...we've got it all.  And if we don't, we'll try our best to get it.

These Bibles are free and we will ship them for free.  All you need to do is contact us, using the form on the left hand side of our blog, and let us know what you're looking for.  To give you an idea, here is a visual of some of what we have to offer.  Some of these have already been spoken for; however, if you see something you like, we will try our hardest to get it for you.







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